What would a curriculum for collective study and political action look and feel like? Can simply being present together be form of transforming one another?
CURRICULUM explores the potential for collective study outside entrenched forms, such as formal classrooms and university spaces–a study which might exceed prevailing modes of circulation. Emerging from a space of reading, revision, and strategically recuperating useful models from earlier feminisms–such as the active space of consciousness-raising–these works move towards ways of conceiving the interaction of bodies and ideas in the present. Through a range of artistic strategies for intuitive, participatory, haptic learning—from sonic enclosures to ceramic vessels and woolen landscapes to photographic portraits—the exhibition explores self-care as an ethical and artistic practice of political action.
Artists: Becca Albee, Genevieve Gaignard, Nicki Green, January Hunt, Carolyn Lazard, Candice Lin, Julie Tolentino, Quay Quinn Wolf, Sarah Zapata, Lukaza Branfman-Verissimo, Free Black Women’s Library, Amelia Bande